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Nawaz terms Zardari as biggest threat to democracy

Posted on 15 February 2010 by PakBee - Total hits: 2,990

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ISLAMABAD: Pakistan Muslim League (PML-N) will not allow the government to go scot-free, the party chief Mian Nawaz Sharif warned terming President Asif Ali Zardari as the biggest danger to the democracy.

Addressing the packed hall of journalists after the party’s meeting, he said it seemed that the government does not accept the restored judiciary.

The democracy never before faced such a great threat as now in the form of President Zardari, who has become the gravest danger to democracy, he said.

The PML-N condemns the incident that occurred yesterday, as the event plunged the country in the uncertainty and the President House outgrew its limits, Sharif told.

He said yesterday’s incident was an action re-play of November 3, 2007, adding the government is targeting the judiciary to safeguard its corruption in preference for their corruption to the respect for the judiciary.

The Army should have the role stipulated in the Constitution, he said.

Nawaz Sharif said he forcefully warned the government to ensure the supremacy of the Constitution, adding his party categorically rejects the autocratic method adopted by the government.

He said the judiciary was restored by the people not the government which only issued a notification, informing the journalists that he had told Prime Minister Syed Yousuf Raza Gilani a day before not to delay the implementation on the recommendations of judges’ appointments.

However, the following day, something else surfaced, he added demanding the recommendations of the Chief Justice of Pakistan Justice Iftikhar Muhammed Chaudhry should be immediately put into action.

Nawaz said the PML-N wants to make it abundantly clear to the government in unequivocal terms that it would not be allowed to go its way on judges’ appointments nor would it be spared the chance for corruption.

‘We can make harsh decisions in the coming days and will protest in and outside the Parliament and mobilize the masses. We will not allow anyone to spoil the institutions for personal motives,’ he said.

Had the Charter of Democracy been implemented, then there would not have been these problems, he asserted demanding President Zardari to bring back to Pakistan his wealth siphoned off to Swiss accounts; this is the money hard-earned by the people of Pakistan.

The country has been turned into a circus, he added.

The people of Pakistan will take care of all affairs, the Army should not be dragged into them; nor should the Army get itself involved in such affairs, he said.

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